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The political, spiritual, the social, the economic, and the intellectual elites of the Eastern Nigeria have no option but to accept, nurture, teach, correct, support, and encourage the ESN Eastern Security Network. This is because ESN is the only security system that cares about their lives and welfare. ESN has assuaged the fear of their extinction, reduced their slavery, and is determined to affect their real freedom. One then wonders why it is taking this length of time before they embrace her as their own and identify with her. One also wonders why they must wait for their enemies to give a name to their own good child, and even when they can clearly see that their enemies have chosen to present as innocent, their own evil children represented by Boko Haram, Fulani Bandits, Fulani Herdsmen, Meyati Allah, etc. These groups are known for violence, expansionism, and other crimes, and recognized by the United Nations Organization as terrorists, are now being presented by the Fulanies as mere militant groups. This is in a bid to cover up all their evils, and at the same time, they have chosen to brand IPOB and ESN as terrorists.

It is unfortunate that the leaders of Eastern Nigeria are helplessly watching the scenario, without any proof of being disturbed. One is therefore tempted to conclude that: if these men are politically conscious, then they cannot be mentally sound. This is because if they are really politically conscious and mentally sound, there is no way they should offer themselves as working tools to the enemies of their people for the destruction and for the impoverishment of their own people.


It is never the intention of God that his children should be permanent slaves (Liv 25:55). Precisely for that reason, each time they fall into slavery, he usually found a way of freeing them. In our own case the Fulanies, even after enslaving us, would not allow the people of Eastern Nigeria the status of normal slaves (that, though have no right over governance and management of resources, have the privilege to be on their own, farming their lands and serving their own God) that can operate without direct molestation. In our case, the Fulanis are out to deny us even the right to live in our ancestral homes, farms, our lands and worship our own God.

The most unfortunate aspect is that our front-line rulers are so myopic and corrupt that they cannot see anything wrong with what our enemies do. It is so unfortunate that even when they see something wrong, they are so intimidated and mentally enslaved that they are ideologically configured to do the will of the Fulanis. They can do anything in other to please the Fulanis. Our sycophantic politicians unquestionably uphold whatever the Fulani desires and condemn whatever the Fulani condemns, they are ready to sacrifice anything and anybody to buy the favour of the Fulanis.


Hence, because the Fulanis have baptized, Boko Haram, Fulani Herdsmen, Miyati Allah, and Fulani Bandits as militant groups, they are now having sympathy for them and are pampering the notorious terrorists in other to please their Fulani masters. This is precisely why none of them says anything strong about the atrocities the Fulani Herdsmen commit against our people and against our land.
In other words, because the Fulani condemns the IPOB and the ESN, some of our people would not want to hear about them or to talk about them, lest they incur the wrath of their Fulani lords. The most disgusting and disheartening disaster is that some of our politicians are really determined to betray and exterminate the ESN, the only security system that is protecting the interest of our people.

Unfortunately, it is this culture of sycophancy that has placed us in this ugly vicious circle.

Please, where lies the essence of our intelligence, spirituality, wealth, exposure, etc, if the Fulanis should in the 21st-century dribble and manipulate our people to this extent?


Take home this fact: “This is indigenous Igbo people: if you lack the courage to die for them, you lose the mandate to lead them, and nobody will recognize you as a hero. This is simply because, for the Igbo man, courage is the identity of the heroes”. Who in the history of our generation was accorded the respect given to Dim Chukwuemeka Odimagwu Ojukwu? (In life and even after death). This is because the people knew that he courageously fought for the right of his people and placed his life on the line for their sake.
As you swim in your wealth and positions and enjoy your romance with the enemies of the land, do not lose sight of the fact that the people are watching you!


The religious leaders should take stock of their conduct and reassess their contributions to the preservation of the Church. The sooner we come to terms with the fact that the life of the Christians is as important as the life of the Church, the better for all of us. It is also important that we should understand that our assignment goes beyond praying with the people of God and enjoying their goodwill. We should also realize that we are laden with the responsibility of the preservation of the life of the Church. This means that it is our duty to preserve the life of the people of God. This is because once the adherents of a religion are destroyed, the religion is also destroyed.

For that reason, even if we cannot physically defend and protect the Church, we will lose no time in identifying with any system that could do so. The Church may not always necessarily wait to be defended by saints. No wonder the Church did not waste time before she identified with Emperor Constantine when he started working for her interest. The Jericho harlot Rehab, that protected Joshua’s spies was not only spared but was integrated into God’s own people. Why then are the Christians reluctant in identifying with the ESN Eastern Security Network, that is pushing back our predators?


The truth remains that if the first Christians were as passive over important issues concerning the life of the Church and the people of God, as most of the Christian leaders of today, certainly the Church wouldn’t have outlived them. It is unfortunate that as the Fulani Muslims are tirelessly driving out the Church and are taking over our lands, our Church and political leaders are relaxing and watching the Muslims claim their territories, while they remain aimlessly silent and passive. It is quite embarrassing that our religious leaders are busy playing good boy ministers to the very people in government, while their foot soldiers are aggressively fighting and destroying the Church.* The truth is that for the purpose of the earthly kingdoms they are building for themselves in the world, they cannot afford to displease the power of the world.

In fact, it seems to me that our leaders, both political and spiritual are willingly blind, hence they cannot see that the very life of the flock entrusted into their care is in danger. The Church leaders fail to understand that as the very existence of the Church is being threatened by the onslaught of the Fulanis, their own office is as well shaking.


The wicked jihadists killed two Catholic priests and fifteen worshipers in Benue State, but all we could do was pray and peaceful demonstrations (which are good). However, it is obvious that the inactivity of the federal government over the murderous invasion of the Christian sanctuary was an indication that the government-sponsored or at least supported the killing of the priests and the worshipers. Unfortunately, some of us are yet to rise from our slumber! Maybe you are too comfortable to feel the true condition or that you fear that they may kill you if you say that obvious truth.

However, I wish to let you know that the dead are better than you, if you really know the obvious truth and wouldn’t say it because of fear of being killed; you have already died a shameful death.

Anybody who feels comfortable while the house of God is on fire is exposing himself to trouble! He makes himself unworthy of God’s attention. ADC John.

No wonder God cried out and said: “How terrible it will be for you that have such an easy life in Zion and for you that feel safe in Samaria — you great leaders of this great nation Israel, you to whom the people go for help!” (Amos 6:1) It is clear now that the federal government of Nigeria is the bandits, the Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen you talk about, as well as anti-Christians. I am of this view because of the way the federal government glosses over the excesses of Sheik Gummi, El Rufai, and the present governor of Zamphara state, all of who had on several occasions demonstrated that they are part and parcel of the dreaded terrorist organizations.

The worst of all being Pantami who had demonstrated himself in a clearer way as a terrorist, but is yet retained as a minister in the country. This same federal government that romances with known terrorists would always swoop over any Christian that makes any statement that condemns the evils of the terrorist organizations, we have the two Catholic bishops Hassan Kuka of Sokoto and Godfrey Onah of Nsukka as our examples as victims of this double standard.


The virtue of gratitude they say is the least of all virtues, while the vice of ingratitude is the worst of all vices. Based on this backdrop, it is an unfortunate denial of the obvious for anybody in Eastern Nigeria to pretend not to have enjoyed the service of the ESN. Practically everybody is benefiting from the service of the God-sent security system. The businessmen, workers, farmers, clergymen, students, etc, are all beneficiaries of the service of the ESN. This is because, since the inception of the services of the ESN, kidnappings, attacks on the farmers and highway extortion by the Nigerian security agents have turned to historical facts.

Recounting the success and achievements of the ESN, if no other people should be grateful to the ESN, the Christian leaders of Eastern Nigeria should be grateful to her, because they were considered most important, found most vulnerable, and valued most lucrative by the Fulani terrorist herdsmen kidnappers. The Christian clerics became the best game for the Fulani Human Hunters (kidnappers), and the most hunted game; unfortunately, hardly did they miss their target. Hence, before the emergence of the ESN, the priests were kidnapped in numbers, hardly did any week pass without a record of a kidnapped priest.

From the negative testimonies of the kidnapped priests, there is no uglier experience a priest could undergo than to be kidnapped by an Islamic Fulani terrorist herdsmen. An abstraction from the traumatic experiences of a formerly kidnapped priest reveals that: “No kidnapped priest comes back the same.”

In addition to the traumatic experiences, is the huge financial consequences therein. To effect the release of each kidnapped priest, a huge amount of money must be wasted. Even though the Church officially does not accept to pay any ransom for the release of any kidnapped priest, (holding onto the fact that a priest is already a ransom), the family and relations of the priests are always compelled by biological bond and love to pay such mammoth ransom before the priests were released.


Beyond the security and the sense of freedom, ESN has given the people, her influence and impact are being felt even beyond the borders of Biafra as she is being copied by the people who at present are confronted by the same thing that confronted the people of Eastern Nigeria, that led to the emergence of the ESN. The people in view here are the people of western Nigeria and the Middle Belt.
Today Oduduwa people are insisting on possessing their own land simply having borrowed a leaf from ESN. Even in the Northern part of the country, the people of the Middle Belt are now rearing up their heads and are making some claims over their land because they are powered by the achievements of the ESN.

The top of the impact of the ESN is the bold nationalistic step taken in defense of the Benue State territory. Governor Ortom of Benue State has taken the wisest and the most expedient decision over the present condition of Benue state by commanding his people to take up arms to defend themselves. He too has understood the truth already affirmed decades ago by William Shakespeare that: no one can live in freedom unless he is ready to die for freedom. Anybody who thinks that governor Ortom (under the condition, that his people die on daily basis in the hands of the terrorist Fulani herdsmen, Nigerian police, DSS and the Nigerian military, and the federal government is doing nothing about it) should have done any other thing else (rather than taking up arms), is either the persecutor of the people or a demented and degenerated subhuman slave.


The federal government is lead by the Fulanis and is the sponsor of the killers and as result would not do anything to save the people from the killers. The state governments are impotent and can neither defend themselves nor protect the people. It is therefore very unfortunate that the ESN, the only system that has what it takes to stop our killers, receives neither the support nor the sympathy of the very people it protects, rather we join efforts with our enemies seeking to destroy her. It seems we have lost sense of the adage: Egbue Dike n’ogu ulo achoba ya n’ogu ama. When foolish people stupidly kill their hero in local conflict, they naturally feel the absence of the hero anytime they face external aggression.


Consult your history, the Fulanis are experts in using people to break up their own defenses, destroy their own sustenance, and kill their own giants. If you are still in charge of your brain, you will be able to recall that since the inauguration of the ESN on the 12th December 2020 till today 7th May 2021, there has never been any incident of kidnapping in the whole of Eastern Nigeria, but unfortunately, some people are yet not ready to appreciate the system whose operation guaranteed their security so far.


You are free to disagree with some of the approaches and the methods of IPOB and the ESN, but remember that everybody has some imperfections, even you, you have your own imperfections you are battling to better. Those shortcomings of IPOB and ESN are there waiting for you for correction and improvement. A wise man cannot destroy the only thing he has just to please a jealous neighbor.
Let everybody keep in mind that the Fulanis are experts in divide, vilify, subjugate, subdue, control, rule, and enslave. They usually hide behind and use cheap-minded sons of the soil to destroy the people and the land for the advancement of their fulanization and Islamization agenda. They did it to the Hausas that have now lost everything to the Fulanis apart from just the language. Today they are doing it to the Middle Belt, sacking and taking over many villages. They naturally do not strike until they have rendered their victims impotent. On the last and the most important note, do not lose sight of the fact that when the Fulani descends on any people, NOBODY IS SAFE!

Rev Fr Dennis John Chukwubuzor Attah, Catholic Diocese of Nsukka. (Living for Truth).

Rev Fr Dennis John Chukwubuzor Attah.


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